Wednesday, November 25, 2009

軟工隨想:User Login is not a Use Case.

以前在學校的時候上過一門軟體工程的課,課堂最後有個期末專題。專題內容就是要我們親自跑一次Project。我記得那時候做了一個線上聊天室系統,在台上Demo系統Login的時候,被助教問了個問題:為什麼User Login不在你們的Use Case中?

對呀,為什麼我忘記把Login/Logout放進Use Case中呢?當時我一直覺得一定是自己的粗心大意,忽略了這個功能。不過,最近閱讀到Karl的書,作者指出User Login並不適合放進Use Case中,也解答了為何從需求的角度來看待系統,很容易就會忽略User Login的Use Case

Karl首先定義Use Case的涵義:

Describes how an actor uses a system to achieve a goal and what the system does for the actor to achieve that goal. It tells the story of how the system and its actors collaborate to deliver somthing of value for at least one of actors.

這也就是為何User Login不算是User Case。對於我們的聊天室系統,使用者的目標就是選擇一個聊天室,然後開始打字聊天。連線到伺服器,或者是User Login都不算是使用者想要做的事情(做個簡單的憶想,我們是可以用生物辨識的方式登入,使用者完全感受不到登入的過程)。我想這也難怪從需求的角度來畫Use Case Diagram,就不會在一開始就把登入這件事情放入Use Case中。



“More About Software Requirement”, Karl E. Wiegers.

Sunday, September 27, 2009



The second constraint is that the design blueprint must show the entirety of the design partitioning, down to the lowest level. It's common practice to do some hand-waving at what seems to be an upper-level design, declare the design complete, and leave the rest of the design partitioning to be done as a by-product of coding. When this happens, all the advantages of the closure metrics derived from the incremental delivery plan are lost.

翻譯一下,大意就是說若在”漸進實作“開始之前你只有一份草率的High-level Design,那麼你的完工度指標就沒有意義了。




Friday, September 04, 2009

軟體除錯《Cross-DLL Hazard: Multi Copies of Template Class》

在編譯 DLL 的時候,Template Class 的 Code 都會被編譯 DLL 當中。因此若整個專案裡面有數個 DLL 分享同一份定義在 .hpp 的 Template Class,那麼你就有可能會有好幾份同樣 Type 的 Template Class 的 Code 落在數個 DLL 中。如果把物件轉成指標 Cross DLL 互傳,可能會遇到底下幾個問題。

不同的DLL可能使用不同版本的 .hpp。如果在這種情況下,Template Class 沒有做到 Binary Compatibility,那麼 A DLL 傳給 B DLL 的物件,操作一定會有問題。

就算不同的DLL使用同樣版本的 .hpp,還是會有問題。舉例,A DLL 傳給 B DLL 的物件之後,最後 A DLL 先 Unload,而 B DLL 手上握的物件洽好有參考到 Virtual Method Table,那麼此時對物件做動作,會嘗試去執行 A DLL 中的程式碼,然後位址早已被 Unloaded,操作也一定會有問題。

基本上 Cross-DLL 還是秉持一個原則,只 Export C Linkage 的函式。雖然這樣做還是不能一勞永役,不過能讓事情簡化。


用簡單的方式來做事,永遠都是一個 Good Practice。

註:最近在用 boost::shared_ptr 就遇到這類的問題,shared_ptr 裡面有參考到一個 Template Base Class,踩到了第二個地雷。

Friday, August 21, 2009

Code Inspection 經驗談

軟體測試的方法中,有一種是叫作 Code Inspection,測試的流程就是請工程師根據 Checklist 和人工 Walkthrough 程式邏輯去找出程式碼中的錯誤。按照 Wikipedia 的定義,流程可以分為:

  1. Planning: Moderator 負責計畫 Inspection 的內容和時程。目的是 Initiate 和 Follow 一次完整的 Inspection。
  2. Overview meeting: Author 簡介自己的程式碼。目的是先幫助 Inspector 可以更快進入狀況。
  3. Preparation: 每個 Inspector 在舉行 Inspection Meeting 之前先要閱讀程式碼並且標記所有找到的錯誤。目的是先將所有的錯誤找出來。目的是要 Identify 出所有的 Defect。
  4. Inspection meeting: 舉行 Meeting 時,Reader 負責 Walkthrough 程式碼,Inspector 此時就將找到的錯誤提出來,然後討論是否為 Defect。目的是要 Confirm 和 Prioritize Defect 然後產生 Action Items,並且決定誰來審查 Author 接下來的 Rework,同時也會討論此次 Inspection 的離場標準。
  5. Rework: Author 根據最終的 Action Items 去修訂程式碼。
  6. Follow-up: Reviewer 根據 Action Items 重新審查所有的修訂。


  1. Author: 撰寫程式碼的作者。
  2. Moderator: 計畫並協調審查流程的主持人。
  3. Reader: 負責在 Inspection Meeting 上帶著大家閱覽程式碼的人。
  4. Recorder: 負責在 Inspection Meeting 上當會議紀錄。
  5. Inspector: 負責在 Preparation 階段詳細審查程式碼,並且在 Inspection Meeting 中指出錯誤的人。

很幸運的,最近有機會親身體驗 Code Inspection,感受比較多的好處大概就是:

  1. 就像是閱讀小說可以增進寫作的能力一樣;閱讀別人的程式碼,也可以幫助提升自己寫程式的能力(或者是作為警惕)。
  2. 平常大家都在自己手上的模組工作,設計藍圖也可能已經過時。經過 Inspection,所有成員對於整體的流程會有更實務的了解。
  3. 可以建立團隊的 Coding Standard。通常 Defect 的發生,很少是獨立的事件,多會有一定的模式。例如說,參數的 Nullity Check,或者是 Buffer Overrun ,然而這些問題都只要遵守簡單的規則就可以避免。若是可以把這些解決方式回饋到團隊的 Coding Standard,在撰寫程式碼都要遵守這些規則,減少愚蠢的錯誤發生。在下次的 Inspection 時,把 Coding Standard 當作 Checklist 就可以更快也更容易認出看起來有問題的程式碼。

當然 Code Inspection 不是軟體測試的萬靈丹,在審查某些程式碼的時候,若是 Inspector 對於程式碼沒有足夠的深入的了解,大概只能做到片面的審查。例如:

  1. 多執行緒的程式碼:用其他的 Modeling Tool (UML?) 來表達多執行緒的運作,會更容易檢驗。如果程式語言本身是 Multi-thread Friendly,也許可以直接讀程式碼。
  2. 用他人不熟析的程式語言或 Domain Knowledge 所撰寫的程式碼:這個可能需要在 Overview Meeting 之前需要另外的 Meeting 先幫大家做教育訓練。絕不可以因此就放棄 Inspection,這是絕佳的提升團隊能力的好時機。
  3. 沒有明確 Testibility 的程式碼:通常發生在設計階段就沒有良好定義的模組,不知道可以丟什麼東西進去,也不知道要輸出什麼樣的東西。這種情況通常需要的是更 High-Level 的 Inspection,Code Inspection 不能解決什麼。




Wikipedia: Software Inspection

Monday, August 17, 2009

[Windbg] How to Brake at Child Process Creation

有時候,想要從進程(Process)一建立起來就開始除錯,一種方式是直接用 Windbg 直接用 .create 去把進程跑起來。可是在 Google Chrome 這種多進程的程式,想要從某個子進程開始除錯,一定要等主進程把子進程帶起來時才可以除錯。此時,就會需要用一些技巧讓 Windbg 去中斷子進程。
首先,先執行 Google Chrome,它是一個多進程架構的瀏覽器,適合作為這次的範例。
然後,在用命令列或GUI的方式 Attach 到主進程 Chrome.exe (1508)。
1) 用 .childdbg 1 命令 Windbg 中斷在子進程的建立。
0:013> .childdbg 1    
Processes created by the current process will be debugged
2) 用 g 命令 Windbg 繼續執行程式,並且去 Chrome 瀏覽個網頁讓它另外建立子進程。
3) 接下來會發現 Windbg 已經中斷在子進程當中,可以注意到提示字元已經從 0:013> 切換到 1:016> 。
0:013> g    
Symbol search path is: SRV*C:\Symbols*;SRV*c:\GoogleSyms*     
Executable search path is:     
ModLoad: 00400000 004d6000   chrome.exe     
eax=0044092a ebx=7ffde000 ecx=7c9363bb edx=7c99e178 esi=0012dc28 edi=00189318     
eip=7c810705 esp=0012fffc ebp=00000000 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc     
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000             efl=00000200     
7c810705 ??              ???     
1:016> |     
   0    id: 5e4    attach    name: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe     
.  1    id: c40    child    name: chrome.exe
4) 此時只需要用 |0s 切換到原本的主進程,然後用 .detach 放掉主進程。
1:016> |0s    
eax=7c930250 ebx=00000000 ecx=000e1714 edx=00000c88 esi=7c99e420 edi=7c99e440     
eip=7c92e514 esp=049eff70 ebp=049effb4 iopl=0         nv up ei ng nz na pe nc     
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00000286     
7c92e514 c3              ret     
0:015> .detach     
eax=0044092a ebx=7ffde000 ecx=7c9363bb edx=7c99e178 esi=0012dc28 edi=00189318     
eip=7c810705 esp=0012fffc ebp=00000000 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc     
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000             efl=00000200     
7c810705 ??              ???     
1:016> |     
.  1    id: c40    child    name: chrome.exe
5) 此時就大功告成,接下來就可以開始對子進程除錯了。

Saturday, August 15, 2009

免費 Win32 Kernel/User 效能分析工具 - Kernrate

“Measure. Don't tune for speed until you've measured, and even then don't unless one part of the code overwhelms the rest.” - Rob Pike
在Windows平台上,Microsoft有推出一個可以測量Kernel/User Mode的System Profiler。我們可以用它測量某一段時間的各種Performance Statistics。最棒的是,它可以用取樣(Sampling)的方式來統計出哪些API是屬於HotSpot,可以成為Performance Tuning的根據。
首先,可以在Microsoft Download上面找到它。
把它安裝起來之後,建議先將Symbol Server的環境安裝起來。
  1. 在環境變數中加入”_NT_SYMBOL_PATH=SRV*C:\Symbols*”
  2. 將dbghelp.dll和symsrv.dll複製到kernrate的執行路徑下。
  1. 切到kernrate的執行目錄下。
  2. 執行”Kernrate_i386_XP.exe -n explorer -z USER32”
  3. 接下來就可以看到類似”***> Press ctrl-c to finish collecting profile data”的訊息,表示Kernrate已經開始在進行取樣。
  4. 當想要結束取樣的話,就按ctrl-c。最後會有一大串的測量結果跑出來。
Time   20 hits, 19531 events per hit -------- 
Module                                Hits   msec  %Total  Events/Sec 
_FindProp                                 6     110338    23 %        1062 
_MapWindowPoints                          2     110338     7 %         354 
DIBFromBitmap                             1     110338     3 %         177 
CallWindowProcAorW                        1     110338     3 %         177 
GetPropW                                  1     110338     3 %         177 
HMValidateHandleNoRip                     1     110338     3 %         177 
`string'                                  1     110338     3 %         177 
IsWindow                                  1     110338     3 %         177 
ValidateHwndNoRip                         1     110338     3 %         177 
SendMessageWorker                         1     110338     3 %         177 
RealDefWindowProcWorker                   1     110338     3 %         177 
GetWindowLongA                            1     110338     3 %         177 
TranslateAcceleratorW                     1     110338     3 %         177 
_EndUserApiHook                           1     110338     3 %         177 
DispatchMessageWorker                     1     110338     3 %         177 
UserCallWinProcCheckWow                   1     110338     3 %         177 
_SEH_epilog                               1     110338     3 %         177 
_SEH_prolog                               1     110338     3 %         177 
HMValidateHandle                          1     110338     3 %         177 
ValidateHwnd                              1     110338     3 %         177

Sunday, August 09, 2009

軟體設計備忘錄《Btrfs & B-tree Shadowing》

Valerie Aurora在LWN上面寫了一篇關於Btrfs的短篇專文,簡短的介紹了Btrfs的歷史。Btrfs是由Chris Mason所開發的File System,即將取代Ext4成為Linux上預設的File System。Chris引進Ohad Rodeh在USENIX FAST '07發表的B-tree on Shadowing研究成果,改良Btrfs的設計。簡單整理了Rodeh的成果:

  1. Proactive Split/Merge on B-tree Updating:在Insertion或Deletion,在尋訪的過程中先做Split/Merge的動作。於是乎消除了Backtrace回去修改Parent Node的行為,如此一來就不會有Multi-thread Deadlock的情況發生。
  2. Reference Counting for COW:在做Snapshot的時候,會Shadow每個node都需要維護一個Counter。若是目前的Clone需要寫入任何的Node,那麼就會檢查Counter決定是否要COW;或者是直接覆寫。


相較於Reference Counting,WAFL(另一個File System)是用32-bit bitmap來1-to-1對應每一份Clone,所以最多只能有32個Clones,此稱之為Block-map File(謎之聲:怎麼會有這樣的設計呢?…)。關於Block-map的設計,本人猜測是因為原有的Block Entry就已經有Free Flag的設計,若是用Bitmap的設計來對應Clone可能較容易實做。



A short history of btrfs

B-trees, Shadowing, and Clones [PDF]

The Berkeley DB Book: B-tree Deadlock

Saturday, August 08, 2009

軟體設計備忘錄《IWebBrowser2 Hosting》

在Win32的環境下,要開發Web-UI Application的其中一個選擇就是Web Browser Control。


Topic:用程式化去捕捉Script Error:

Script error notification is not sent to Exec method of WebBrowser Host (註:Disable Script Debugging的解法)

How to handle script errors as a WebBrowser control host;en-us;Q261003


Topic:防止Web Browser Control的蹦現視窗:

IWebBrowser2 Stopping and Disabling Popups

Friday, August 07, 2009

IE AJAX & OnUnload 疑難排除

最近開發Web Application,和IE的整合上遇到了一些問題,這裡整理一些目前找到資料。
  1. 在OnUnload時,若執行了一個AJAX call,非同步的回應將不會觸發原本設定的callback。
    [Solution] 改用Synchronous XHR。
  2. 若離開頁面時,還有任何Pending的XHR物件,將有可能佔用IE的Connection Pool。
    [Solution] Tracking所有的XHR物件,在unload時,Abort所有的XHR Connection。
  3. 若有任何XHR物件的onreadystatechange沒有被重設(reset),會有memory leak。
    [Solution] readyState是DONE的時候就重設onreadystatechange。


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

IE JScript 效能校調原則

IE Blog上列舉了許多針對JScript效能校調的指南。雖然有些看起來似乎沒有順應Modern JavaScript的Programming Model。Anyway, 開發JScript應用程式的人還是可以看看自己的程式碼還可以擠出多少效能。

  1. Symbolic Look-up Recommendations
    • Evaluating Local Variables
    • Cache Variables Whenever Possible
    • Cache Function Pointers at all costs
    • Avoid Using the ‘with’ Keyword
  2. JScript Code Inefficiencies
    • Optimize String Manipulations by Avoiding Intermediate Results
    • Running Code Using the ‘eval’ Statement is Expensive
    • Requirements of Eval for JSON Expressions
    • Switch Blocks are Linear Evaluation Tables
    • Avoid Closures if Possible
    • Don’t use Property Accessor Functions

如果你想要直接Hack JScript Garbage Collection的機制,這邊請吧。



IE + JavaScript Performance Recommendations - Part 1

IE+JavaScript Performance Recommendations Part 2: JavaScript Code Inefficiencies

IE+JScript Performance Recommendations Part 3: JavaScript Code Inefficiencies

You may experience slow performance when you view a Web page that uses JScript in Internet Explorer 6

Monday, August 03, 2009


星期天沒出去玩,在家裡寫一個Anonymous Pipe Client & Server小程式來熟析Win32的Pipe IPC機制。寫完之後就想來測測看Pipe和另外某個Design的效能差異,就來評測一下IPC的Round-Trip Time。Win32底下要拿到High Resolution的CPU Tick,大概就屬QueryPerformanceCounter()最方便。不過在Modern Architecture下,有幾件事情要注意:

  1. 現代的CPU都有動態調頻的機制,就算你把Escaped CPU Tick算出來,要還原成Second還是需要功夫。
  2. 在SMP的環境下,CPU Tick不是同步的,要把你計算的目標都綁在同一個CPU上,這樣量出來Tick才會準。
  3. 千萬不能假設QueryPerformanceFrequency()就是CPU Clock Freq. (同樣的也不能假設QPC就是CPU Tick?)

另外,有誰可以和我清楚解釋AMD的TSC-Drift問題嗎? XD



Sunday, July 19, 2009

GUI Testing Checklist

這裡有一份可以重複利用的GUI Test Case清單,在開發階段Develpor可以先按照這些Test Case自己先跑跑看程式是否有問題,提早解決顯而易見的bug。


Windows Compliance Standards

These compliance standards are followed by almost all the windows based application. Any variance from these standards can result into inconvenience to the user. This compliance must be followed for every application. These compliances can be categorized according to following criteria

  1. Compliance for each application
    1. Application should be started by double clicking on the icon.
    2. Loading message should have information about application name, version number, icon etc.
    3. Main window of application should have same caption as the icon in the program manager.
    4. Closing of the application should result in “Are you sure?” message.
    5. Behaviour for starting application more than once must be specified.
    6. Try to start application while it is loading
    7. On every application, if application is busy it should show hour glass or some other mechanism to notify user that it is processing.
    8. Normally F1 button is used for help. If your product has help integrated, it should come by pressing F1 button.
    9. Minimize and restoring functionality should work properl
  2. Compliance for each window in the application
    1. Window caption for every application should have application name and window name. Specially, error messages.
    2. Title of the window and information should make sense to the user.
    3. If screen has control menu, use the entire control menu like move, close, resize etc.
    4. Text present should be checked for spelling and grammar.
    5. If tab navigation is present, TAB should move focus in forward direction and SHIFT+TAB in backward direction.
    6. Tab order should be left to right and top to bottom within a group box.
    7. If focus is present on any control, it should be presented by dotting lines around it.
    8. User should not be able to select greyed or disabled control. Try this using tab as well as mouse.
    9. Text should be left justified
    10. In general, all the operations should have corresponding key board shortcut key for this.
    11. All tab buttons should have distinct letter for it.
  3. Text boxes
    1. Move mouse to textbox and it should be changed to insert bar for editable text field and should remain unchanged for non-editable text field.
    2. Test overflowing textbox by inserting as many characters as you can in the text field. Also test width of the text field by entering all capital W.
    3. Enter invalid characters, special characters and make sure that there is no abnormality.
    4. User should be able to select text using Shift + arrow keys. Selection should be possible using mouse and double click should select entire text in the text box.
  4. Radio Buttons
    1. Only one should be selected from the given option.
    2. User should be able to select any button using mouse or key board
    3. Arrow key should set/unset the radio buttons.
  5. Check boxes
    1. User should be able to select any combination of checkboxes
    2. Clicking mouse on the box should set/unset the checkbox.
    3. Spacebar should also do the same
  6. Push Buttons
    1. All buttons except OK/Cancel should have a letter access to them. This is indicated by a letter underlined in the button text. The button should be activated by pressing ALT
    2. Clicking each button with mouse should activate it and trigger required action.
    3. Similarly, after giving focus SPACE or RETURN button should also do the same.
    4. If there is any Cancel button on the screen, pressing Esc should activate it.
  7. Drop down list boxes
    1. Pressing the arrow should give list of options available to the user. List can be scrollable but user should not be able to type in.
    2. Pressing Ctrl-F4 should open the list box.
    3. Pressing a letter should bring the first item in the list starting with the same letter.
    4. Items should be in alphabetical order in any list.
    5. Selected item should be displayed on the list.
    6. There should be only one blank space in the dropdown list.
  8. Combo Box
    1. Similar to the list mentioned above, but user should be able to enter text in it.
  9. List Boxes
    1. Should allow single select, either by mouse or arrow keys.
    2. Pressing any letter should take you to the first element starting with that letter
    3. If there are view/open button, double clicking on icon should be mapped to these behaviour.
    4. Make sure that all the data can be seen using scroll bar.



另外附上M$的User Experience Guide,可以作為Review UI時的一份參考文獻。



Saturday, July 18, 2009

Software Requirement Checklist

Requirement Peer Review Checklist
  1. Compliance with standards
    Does the requirements specification comply with ISD or tailored Branch/project-level standards and naming conventions?
  2. Completeness of Specifications
    Does the requirements specification document address all known requirements? Have ‘TBD’ requirements been kept to a minimum, or eliminated entirely?
  3. Clarity
    Are the requirements clear enough to be turned over to an independent group for implementation?
  4. Consistency
    Are the specifications consistent in notation, terminology, and level of functionality? Are any required algorithms mutually compatible?
  5. External Interfaces
    Have external interfaces been adequately defined?
  6. Testability
    Are the requirements testable? Will the testers be able to determine whether each requirement has been satisfied?
  7. Design-Neutrality
    Does the requirements specification state what actions are to be performed, rather than how these actions will be performed?
  8. Readability
    Does the requirements specification use the language of the intended testers and users of the system, not software jargon?
  9. Level of Detail
    Are the requirements at a fairly consistent level of detail? Should any particular requirement be specified in more detail? In less detail?
  10. Requirements Singularity
    Does each requirement address a single concept, topic, element, or value?
  11. Definition of Inputs and Outputs
    Have the internal interfaces, i.e., the required inputs to and outputs from the software system, been fully defined? Have the required data transformations been adequately specified?
  12. Scope
    Does the requirements specification adequately define boundaries for the scope of the target software system? Are any essential requirements missing?
  13. Design Constraints
    Are all stated design and performance constraints realistic and justifiable?


Sunday, July 12, 2009


Testing Principles《測試原則》
  1. A necessary part of a test case is a definition of the expected output or result. 每個測試案例中必須定義期望輸出值或結果
  2. A programmer should avoid attempting to test his or her own program. 程式設計師應避免測試他/她自己的程序
  3. A programming organization should not test its own programs. 程式設計團隊應避免測試它自己的程序
  4. Thoroughly inspect the results of each test. 仔細檢查每一項測試結果
  5. Test cases must be written for input conditions that are invalid and unexpected, as well as for those that are valid and expected. 設計測試樣本時,不合理、不被預期的輸入情況,與合理、被預期的輸入情況同樣重要
  6. Examining a program to see if it does not do what it is supposed to do is only half the battle; the other half is seeing whether the program does what it is not supposed to do. 不要只看看程式是否做了它該做的事,更要看看程式是否做了它不該做的事
  7. Avoid throwaway test cases unless the program is truly a throwaway program. 除非你要丟棄程式,否則這個程式使用過的測試樣本不要丟棄
  8. Do not plan a testing effort under the tacit assumption that no errors will be found. 不要基於程式沒有錯誤的假設來做測試
  9. The probability of the existence of more errors in a section of a program is proportional to the number of errors already found in that section. 還存在於程式裡的錯誤和已發現的錯誤數目成正比
  10. Testing is an extremely creative and intellectually challenging task. 測試是一項極具創造性和智力挑戰的任務
以上是節錄二十年前的Myers所定義的軟體測試原則,二十年後的今天似乎都還是依然適用。不過第2, 3點好像和最近的Agile Methodology倡導的UnitTest有所衝突,究竟在實務上要如何在兩者之間抉擇呢?